October Newsletter


October Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

It is a new month, and we have been busy, busy, busy. Last month we were on the road traveling all through Florida, and now this month, we will be all over the Mid-West till the middle of the month then we will make our trek back home!

As many of you know, we plan to return home to Mexico at the end of this month. We want to be back before the next presidential elections.

Please pray as we finish up our Furlough. We have a few more meeting to go and a little more support to raise. Also, please pray, we will be able to cross the border without any issues. If you read the news, the border is still officially closed to essential personal only. However, we have gotten many, many reports from other Missionary friends in Mexico that they have crossed the border without any problems. Please pray this will be the case for us as well.

We have been extremely blessed to raise 75% of our added support goal/need while on our Furlough. Please pray with us that we will be able to rase the last of our need support before returning home to the mission field, in a few weeks! God is able!

Thank you all for your prayers for us through all of this craziness that we have called COVID. We want you to know that we have been praying for you and your churches as well! This pandemic has been a hard thing for many of us, not only in the USA but also worldwide. We are encouraged because we know God is still on the throne and in control!

God bless you all, and thank you all again for your faithfulness!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Grangers


September Newsletter


September Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you all so much for your prayers for us during this crazy pandemic. Thus far, everyone has stayed healthy, with no issues. Praise be to our Lord! Even during the countless hours of traveling from being on the road, we are all doing well!

Please continue to pray for us as we approach the last few months of our furlough in the states! We will be in Florida for September than in the Mid-West the first few weeks of October before heading to Michigan to say goodby to the family before returning to Mexico!

We are getting very eager to return to work in Mexico! Please pray that the border will open back up, and we will have no issues crossing to get back home. We miss our ministry so much and cannot wait to see our church folks again in person!

When coming to the states, our original goal was to raise an extra $1,000 in needed support. To date, we have been able to raise $500 of that even amidst this pandemic! How.. you may ask. I am not sure. All I know is it is 100%, God!

Again thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. We have seen your prayers being answered!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family


August Newsletter


August Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We have only a few months left of Furlough! We are SO looking forward to getting back to Mexico! We talk daily about getting home to the field, but we know God has us where we are for a reason.

Please pray for us as we continue our Furlough and finish raising the added support needed while we are in the states. Praise the Lord; we have been able to raise half of what we needed even amid this pandemic!

As of now, we plan to head back to Mexico in November, as long as the border is open and allowing people back into the country. Currently, Zacatecas is in the Red zone. There are three colors Red, Yellow, and Green. Red is bad, and green is good. Please, please pray for things to open back up soon!

We still have a few weeks we need to fill with meetings, we are praying they will get filled so we can get more people praying for us and the ministry in Mexico!

Please continue to pray for Mexico as it has been hit very hard with the Corona Virus. Mexico is number two in the death rate because of COVID. Please pray not only for our people in our church but all of Mexico as they struggle to fight this thing!!

On a positive note, we have been able to begin discipleship classes via Zoom with our church on Tuesday nights along with recording our messages for Sundays. It has been an enormous encouragement to meet with our church, even if it’s just via Zoom. We have begun a study through the book of Philippians. Please pray this study will be a blessing as we seek to find our joy in Christ alone! Thank you all again for your faithful prayers and support! God bless!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family


June Newsletter


June Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

One song I loved as a child was "Little by little inch by inch by the yard it is hard by the inch what a cinch." While at times nowadays, it feels like we are only moving one inch at a time, we know God has a plan for us.

We are currently in Indiana doing what we can to visit new churches and try to get our name out. It has been difficult, as many churches have not opened all the way yet. However, here in Indiana, many churches have begun to open up for all services, this month!

While this is a wonderful thing and we are, so glad things are moving in the right direction, it is still challenging for us to schedule meetings with new churches. We have tried with some success but not like we had planned. Of course, all this is expected with our country just beginning to get back on track after this horrible global pandemic.

Even with things not back to normal yet, I have had many opportunities to share the gospel with many people. One thing that has helped with this is the uniqueness of our van. It grab peoples attention and I have been able to talk with many people about salvation! Praise be to the Lord Almighty!

We would still much appreciate your prayers as we try to schedule meeting with new churches and try to raise the extra support we need for the ministry in Mexico. Also, please pray for Mexico as the spread of COVID-19 continues to grow slowly. My Assistant, Pastor Jorge, believes he may now have COVID. However, he cannot be tested due to the lack of testing available in Mexico. Please pray for Jorge and Mexico as a whole and the ministry in Zacatecas.

Thank you all again for your continued faithfulness in giving, even in these hard times, and, most of all, for your prayers! God bless!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel, The Granger family


February Newsletter 2020


February Newsletter 2020

Hitting the road again!

Dear Praying Friends,

Well, we are on the road, and it has been a full month of
meetings! We are a little tired and getting over some colds but
doing well and ready to finish up so we can return to the field!

We have been in Florida for the entire month of February. Our schedule
has been full with three Missions Conferences back to back. It feels a
little strange tho, it's been some time since we have done anything like
this, but we are enjoying every minute of reporting, visiting, and

We begin our way up north starting in March and will be happy to
get to visit some other family on our way. We will make a stop in
Kentucky and Indiana before making it to our destination in

The Church in Zacatecas is doing well. I just talked to Jorge
today, and he said things are going very well! Please continue to
pray for the church and Jorge and his family in particular. When
He stepped up to lead, Satan targeted him and would love nothing
more to take him down to ruin the ministry there!

So we would greatly appreciate your prayers for them, the church,
and our travels. Again thank you all for your faithfulness and
your prayers and giving! God bless!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,
The Granger Family


May Newsletter 2020


May Newsletter 2020

Missing the field!

But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to see your face with great desire. 1 Th 2:17

This verse truly is how we feel for our church back in Mexico. We have a great desire to be back with our people in Mexico. However, God has a different course for us at this time. As you know, our original plans for Furlough was to be in the states for February- April, and August-October.

With everything that has been happening in our country, all of our meetings for this first part of our Furlough are being rescheduled. With this rescheduling, it looks like we will have to be here in the States longer than we had planned. But, we know God has everything in control and has this road for us to travel for a reason.

We are all doing well health-wise, and everyone in our church in Mexico is doing well also. We have no reports of any sickness from the Coronavirus. It is a great blessing the Lord has kept us and everyone in our church healthy and strong.

We would appreciate your prayers as we seek God's will in when to begin traveling again. We have been very blessed with a very comfortable place to stay during all of this. Stephanie's parents in Michigan prepared a privet room for us in their home, and they have housed us during all of this. We are ever so grateful for their hospitality and love.

We are praying for all of you and that the economy will begin opening back up soon. Please pray for us as we attempt to get things back rolling for Furlough. We understand that it will be difficult because many churches will be trying to recover from this big hit to our country and world. However, we know God can raise the extra funds we need to continue the work in Mexico.

Again I want to say thank you all for your faithful prayers and support it truly means so much to us to have amazing partners in the ministry like you all!

God bless and remember God is still on the throne and in control! God bless!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family


April Newsletter 2020


April Newsletter 2020

Dear Praying Friends,

I pray all of you are doing well in this time of chaos. While we all try to navigate these new waters, please remember that God is still on his throng and always in control! We have nothing to fear with God on our side!

Due to this COVID-19, our furlough has been thrown out of whack! If you haven’t heard, the Mexican border has been closed to all non-essential traffic. That means that all missionaries on tourist visas, which we are on, are not allowed to enter Mexico. Also, many of the Mexican governors are asking the Mexican president not to allow Americans to cross the border to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Due to everything going on, our furlough will be extended. Also, many of our meetings have been canceled and postponed as well. However, God continues to amaze us. We came with the goal of raising an extra $1000 a month in support. Just the other day, we received news that we will be receiving $200 a month, and that means even amid all this chaos, we have raised $300 of the $1000 needed for our support.

After calculating the added percentage of support needed, we have about 80% of our support now. I believe that God can raise the rest of the support we need before we go back to the field! Even amid a global pandemic because God CAN!

Our church is doing ok while we are away. My assistant, who is taking things over while we are away, is in quarantine because their landlord had contact with a doctor in town who died from COVID-19. As well as the state is on lockdown, aka stay at home order and shutting of the state line, there is a lot of craziness going on there! So far, Jorge (my assistant) and his family are healthy and have no signs of the virus! Praise the Lord.

Please continue to pray for our church and Zacatecas at this time! I have been prerecording some messages and sending them to our church people on Sundays. Similar to which many of you are doing here in the States. While it is not the same, God can still do amazing things in the hearts of the hears, whether they are listening in person or digitally.

Again, thank you all so much for your faithful prayers and support. We are in our prayers as well, especially in these hard times!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel, The Granger Family


January Newsletter 2020


January Newsletter 2020

Dear Praying Friends,

It’s a great year to do something for the King of Kings!

I pray all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! We sure did!

We started this year off with a bang! As you know, we will be leaving for a furlough and Praise the Lord we have a man willing to step up and fill the pulpit for me while we are gone. His name is Jorge, he and his family have become very close friends to us.

We announced to the church, the first Sunday of this year, that Jorge will be coming on as the Co-Pastor of the church and be taking over my responsibilities while we are away. The people were sad to hear we have to leave them for so long (I even cried a little). However, they were pleased to hear that Jorge and their family will be filling for us!

Please pray for us as we are about to start our furlough very soon and also for more meetings to be scheduled. We are trying to raise more support for the ministry while we are in the states and would like to schedule as many new churches as possible.

Again, thank you for all your faithful prayers and support! It means so much to have you all praying for us! God bless!

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent, Stephanie, and Gabriella Granger


December Newsletter


December Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

I want to start this letter by saying thank you! Thank you for all the special gifts and love offerings you have given this past month! It was a great blessing and encouragement to receive all the gifts, letters, and prayers form you all.

I pray you all had a great Thanksgiving where ever you were and whoever you spent it with! Next Is Christmas, and our prayers are you all have a blessed Christmas as well! From our family to yours, we hope you have a very blessed Christmas and have the opportunity to share that wonderful gift of Christ with others this time of year! We have been busy here in Mexico, getting ready for the holidays and looking forward to what God is going to do in the year 2020!

Thank you all for your prayers for Gabriella we finally have a name for what she has. It is “Infant epilepsy.” While this is still very scary and possibly dangerous, It is easily manageable and something she will grow out of as she gets older. The Doctor said most children grow out of it by the age of 9-10 and sometimes even sooner. She would still appreciate your prayers because of this; she can get sick and tired more quickly than usual, so we must be careful not to overdo it and keep her out too late!

We are also excited to let everyone know, officially, that we will be coming home on Furlough next year for the months of February-April and August-October. The purpose of this Furlough is to raise some more support. With our ministry growing and Gabriella’s sickness, we will be trying to raise an extra $1000 of support. So we would appreciate your prayers in this matter.

However, even with our main goal to raise extra support, we would still love to come and give a report to your church. If you would like us to come by, please contact me so we may set up a time to come by.

Thank you all so much again for all you do for us! God bless.

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family Trent, Stephanie, and Gabriella


November Newsletter


November Newsletter

Dear praying friends,

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support they have been such a blessing to us! I give thanks to every one of you who has prayed for us!

The past month or so has been rather exciting and tiring for us here in Mexico! We had a young man, a friend of mine, visit us for about two weeks. He is praying about being a Missionary to Mexico himself, so he wanted to come to see Mexico first hand!

We had a great time while he was here, showing him the ministry and our city. While he was here, we were able to pass out one thousand forty-two Romans, knock on several doors, and share the Gospel with many people. It was a great encouragement and blessing to have him here and be able to show him the missions field first hand! We are praying for God’s will in his life as God directs him in the future!

The very next week after my friend left, we had another friend from our mission board visit us! I am so blessed to be apart of a mission board that cares for their missionaries and visits their missionaries on the field! All Points Baptist Mission is such a blessing to us! While Josh (the man from our mission board) was here, he was a great encouragement to me by giving me some practical ways to improve my Spanish as well as just being a listening ear! It was wonderful having him.

Thank you all once again for your continued prayers as we plow the row here in Mexico, sharing the Gospel with the people for Jesus Christ! You all are in our prayers!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger’s


September Newsletter

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September Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

A lot has happened these past few months, and we are so blessed to be used of God in great ways! We pray that all of you are doing well and God is blessing you and your ministry wherever you may be!

In August, we were able to fly up to Michigan to visit some family, and I was able to be the guest speaker at a boys camping trip for my wife's church. We spent a week close to Lake Michigan. It was a great time, and through God's word, many young men made some significant decisions for the Lord! All the praise goes to God at how well that week went!

On the fifteenth of September, we were able to celebrate the independence of Mexico! Mexico has such a rich long history and if you have never read about if I would encourage you to do so! We had twenty-two people show up, and between the twenty-two of us, we ate about eighty-five tamales. Unashamedly I think I ate the most!

We have a few new people who have been coming to the services, and it is such a blessing to see God growing the ministry little by little! God is so good!!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers for Gabriella. She is doing very well and running around like a crazy little one! It's hard to believe that in just a few short months she will be turning two! Wow, how time flys!!! We go back to the Doctor in January for a follow up with the doctor. From there, they will know if she needs to continue with her medicine or not. The doctor said there is a possibility that she could be on the medication for another 2-5 years, but they won't know for sure until they recheck her in January.

Again thank you all so much for your faithful prayers and support! We know we have such great family and friends back home praying for us often, and this truly brings us comfort and strength! Please remember we are also praying for you all that God will use you to share the Gospel with your community and the world! God bless

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family

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June Newsletter


June Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We want to brag on Jesus for a little bit here in this letter and let you know how good he has been to our family and ministry.

As many, of you, know we have put in a few of our last few newsletters that we have been praying for a van. We did not want to rush the Lord and just accepted his timing.

Well, his timing finally came to, and he answered our prayers. I was contacted by my Friend Pastor Hodges of New Testament Baptist Church and our friends at Fellowship Baptist Church that they wanted to help us and give towards the purchase of a van for the ministry.

We began looking and for a 2017 Faw van. The Faw line of vehicles are the number one selling brand in China and are known here for their durability. The man we bought it from was such a great guy. We told him we were Missionaries and He said he wanted us to be the ones to get the van. We were having some trouble transferring the money to Mexico here, but he wasn’t worried at all and said: “Don’t worry we will figure this out I want to make sure you get the van!”  

Come to find out His mother is a member of another local church here in Zacatecas and she was so happy when she found out the van was being sold!! 

God was so gracious to us, and we are so excited to get the new van route started, so we can bring many many people to Church to hear the Gospel! Thank you all so much for your prayers; we know the Lord listens and does great things through prayer!!

If you would like to see a video about the van, I have a Vlog about it on our YouTube channel. Just search for me “Trent Granger” on YouTube and look for the video titled “God answers prayer.” Thank you all again!!!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family


May Newsletter


May Newsletter

Dear Praying friends,

What an eventful and exciting past few months we have had here in Mexico! We had a few big days, and God blessed!

Our first big day we had was Easter. Unfortunately, Here in Mexico Easter is not a holiday they usually celebrate. So, we decided we would introduce our traditions to them. We called it “Día de resurrección” or in English “Resurrection Day.” We had excellent service, and the Lord blessed.

The Next big day we had was “Día del Niño” “Day of the Child.” This day was a HUGE day! We had about 30 Children show up, and three families stay for the main service. Eight Children made a profession of faith. These precious children who received Christ as their Savior was mainly due to all the prayers we received from you all over the past several months! We give God all the praise and glory for these souls who received Christ!

Our last big day we had was for Mother’s Day. Stephanie put on a ladies meeting the Saturday before Mother’s Day for all the ladies in our neighborhood. It went great! There were about 40 ladies who showed up! I am so proud of how well she did for this big event.

Please head over to our YouTube page where you can watch an update video of all these significant events and other vlogs I post weekly. Thank you all so much for your faithful support and prayers! We could not do what we do here without your faithfulness in giving and serving the Lord. God bless.


Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,
The Granger Family


April Newsletter

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April Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We cannot believe how quickly this year is passing us by. Soon Easter will be here and before we know it Christmas haha. We are enjoying every step of the journey though and our God is so good and supplies our every need.

We had our one year anniversary at our Church recently and it went very well. We had a little breakfast before the service with pan dulces, pancakes, and of course coffee. We also had a great morning service with most of our folks attending! We have a short video about it on our YouTube channel where you can check it out if you would like.

We are still making big plans for Día del Niño and praying for many children to come to know the Lord as their Savior. Please continue to pray with us about this. It will be on April 28th, 2019. I feel God is going to do great things!

We would like to just take a moment and thank you all so much for your prayer. It means a great deal to us knowing we have such amazing friends and family back home praying for us! So thank you all so very very much!

God bless you and your ministry as you try and share the Gospel with the World!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family

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March Newsletter


March Newsletter

Dear praying friends,

It’s March and another month has passed and I cannot believe just how good God is to us! We would like to start this letter by saying thank you all so much for your prayer! We can really feel each one of them and it’s your prayer that help keep us here on the field!

As many of you know already last month Stephanie fractured her arm by slipping on some wet tile. Well, we are happy to report that her full arm cast has been removed! However, she still has to wear a brace for another four weeks before her arm will be completely healed. She still would greatly appreciate your prayers.

Our little church is doing great we have had some first time visitors this past month so please pray that they will come back and become a thriving member of our church. We know that Christ is the one who grows the church and our faithfulness to share the gospel and preach his word is what he blesses most.

It is already feeling like spring here. Well, to be honest, it feels more like Summer with the temperature getting into the 80’s most of the time during the day. We are happy for this because in the winter time we have no central heating so it can be very very cold in our cement houses here.

Again we would ask you to please continue to pray for us in the area of soul-winning. So far this new year our church collectively have been able to lead 14 souls to Christ!! Wow, isn't our God good!! This has been a result of faithful soul-winning and sharing the gospel with our community!

If you would like to see some videos about our field and ministry. We post a weekly video telling a little bit about what is happening here in Mexico. Just head over to YouTube and search for “Trent Granger”. We greatly appreciate all of your support and prayers. God bless

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel, The Granger Family


February Newsletter

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February Newsletter

Dear Praying friends,

We cannot believe that the month of February is already here! It’s amazing how fast time just flies by when you're having fun serving the Lord! We pray all of you are staying safe and warm this winter. We know that for many of you the roads are very dangerous with all the snow and ice. We pray for you all often!

We have had a great start to this year already and have moved our house and church into one building! This has helped us be better stewards of the money the Lord has blessed us with and with our church being so small right now it is not a problem at all. However, we look forward to the day that we outgrow this building and have to move to a bigger one! All in the grace and timing of the Lord of course.

We have already begun to prepare for two holidays coming up in April. Easter and Día del Niño (Day of the Child). Of course, Easter here is celebrated very similar to the states just a few cultural differences. However, Día del Niño is a day here where we celebrate Children. So it will be a big day for us in our church. Please pray many come and receive Christ as their Savior!

Here lately there has been a lot of Military and police presence in the city fighting the “bad guys”. I’m sure you understand what I mean by this term, and with this, there have been some dangerous things happening. This is a good thing though because the Government is finally standing up instead of taking more bribes. However, this means it can also be more dangerous for us. Yet, we know we are protected by an almighty God who can take care of our every need. Your prayers for safety would be greatly appreciated.

I would also like to thank you all so much for your prayers! If you would like to see a little more about us and our ministry you can visit our YouTube page “Mr. Missionary Man” where we post weekly videos of encouragement and about our ministry. Thank you all once again and God bless.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family

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January Newsletter 2019

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January Newsletter 2019

Dear Praying friends,

Can you believe a new year is already upon us! 2019 is off to a great start for us here in Mexico and God is blessing us!

We pray you all had a blessed Christmas and New Years and you all have recovered from all the food that was consumed over the holiday. I know I’m still trying to recover from it all!

This new year is exciting and we have so much planned for the next 12 months. We cannot believe that the end of this month marks one year for us to be here in Zacatecas and almost two and a half years in Mexico. Wow, how time flies when you are having fun serving the Lord!

We are excited to tell you all that after about a year in our current church building we will be moving to a new building that will save us a little bit of money. We have found a house that we will be able to use as the church downstairs and our home upstairs. This will save us from having to rent a building for the church and a building for our home and save us a few hundred dollars!

We want to thank you all for the special love offerings everyone gave over the Holiday and a special thank you to Fellowship Baptist Church for helping us with the money to purchase a van for our ministry. We are now able to purchase a van but now if the fun part of searching for one! Pray the Lord will give us the exact van he would have for us!

Last month we started a Vlog ministry on YouTube to give you all a little bit a closer glimpse into our ministry here in Mexico if you would like to see these video vlogs please visit YouTube and search for “Mr. Missionary Man.” Thank you all so much for all your prayers and faithful support. God bless and have a blessed New Year.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,
The Granger family

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December Newsletter

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December Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

“What a mighty God we serve. Angels bow before him heaven and earth adore him. What a mighty God we serve”

This song has been going through my head this past weekend and while I write this letter because it blows me away how good our God is and what an amazing opportunity we have to serve him with our lives!

It has been a very busy past couple of months and with the Holiday past and coming up it makes things even busier. However, being busy for the Lord is a wonderful thing and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

We had a blessed Thanksgiving and we pray you all did as well. One of the great things about being missionaries is we get to have twice as many holidays, ones from home back in the states and ones from Mexico! We are blessed with so many of you thinking of us this holiday season and letting us know you are praying for us.

Just last Sunday we had a big day at the church to celebrate the birthday of Gabriella. It was not something we planned on having but someone made a piñata for us so we decided to invite a few children and see what happened. Well, God blessed and we had an all time high in attendance with 20 people! Wow, God is good.

We have an exciting new ministry we are starting and we want you to be a part of it. Starting this month in December I will be starting a vlog on YouTube. A vlog is just a video log of what we are doing and how things are going on a weekly basis for us here in Mexico. It will give you all, as our prayer supporters, a little glimpse of what it is like for us to live here in Mexico on a week to week basis. If you would like to see this video and all future videos we post please visit YouTube and search for “Mr. Missionary Man” and subscribe. We will do our best to post a vlog update there weekly. We will also continue sending out our monthly newsletters for you all to read as well.

We are very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in this coming year. Please continue to pray we will finish this year out strong and for many more people to come to know the Lord as their Savior. So far this year alone we have seen over 110 people accept Christ as their Savior.

Thank you all again for all your faithful prayers and support. We pray you all have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family.


1 Comment

October Newsletter


October Newsletter

Dear Praying friends,

What a month God has given us this past month! September 16th was Mexico’s Independence Day. We had what we called “Dia Gande” translated “Big Day”. We had great services! We had a few visitors and some great food afterward! After our morning service, we had a lunch and an afternoon service. There was a great spirit among the people of the Lord here in Zacatecas.   

We continue to go soul winning every Thursday evening. We have changed the time now to 6:30 and have seen a little bit of a better response from the people we talk to. Very rarely do we go out soul winning and not see someone make a profession of faith. Pray that we may stay faithful to the calling and continue giving the Gospel out every chance we get!

While out visiting folks we have noticed there are a lot of who would come but do not have a way of getting to church. We already have filled up our car and my parents truck with people but there is still a big need. We are praying the Lord would provide us a van so we can get a bus route started. In every church I have ever been a part of in the states I was always a part of the Bus ministry and it is a ministry close to my heart. There is a great need here for a bus ministry. Would you pray with us about getting a route start so we can reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers and support. It is such a blessing to know we have friends and family back home praying for us! God bless!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family


1 Comment

September Newsletter

Dear praying Friends,

God is faithful! This is something we have learned this past month. Thank you all so much for all your prayers! We are back in Zacatecas and getting back to being busy for our Lord!

We were able to receive our new passports and all of Gabriella’s Mexican paperwork. Now we are just waiting to do all the paperwork for all of us to receive our birth certificates.

We have been doing our best to faithfully serve our Lord and this last Sunday we had an all time high in attendance with seventeen people. God is good and our church is growing for his glory! Pray for us because September 16th is Independence Day in Mexico and we will be having a big day at church. Independence Day is a huge day here and we are praying for twenty-five or more people for that day. We will post photos and let you all know how it goes.

With our church growing, we are praying for a van to be able to start a bus ministry. I know our church could double in attendance rather quickly if we had a bus ministry here. We have talked to many people who have told us they want to come but cannot because they have no way to get there. We really need a van so we can bring them in. Please pray the Lord would provide this need for us so we can bus them in to hear the gospel.

Thank you all so much for all of your faithful prayers and support. Also over the past month, we received so many encouraging letters, E-mails, and messages that were so encouraging to us while the Devil was fighting us. I have always been told that the Devil fights hardest against those that are doing something for God. After this month I took a moment and looked back and said to myself “Well I guess I’m doing something right if the Devil doesn’t like me this much haha.”

Thank you all once again! We are praying for you all that you will keep on keeping on and doing great things for the Lord where you are. God is good all the time!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel, The Granger Family

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