Dear Praying Friends, 

Wow, June was a crazy busy month for us! It was one of the busiest months we have had in a while! It started with a childhood friend of Stephanie coming for the whole month. It is a blessing for people to be able to come and visit us again after a crazy year like 2020! 

We were able to make a trip to the border and get our mail as well as all of the Bibles that many of you helped purchase! What a blessing! Thank you, thank you to each and every one of you who gave. We were able to obtain 300 Bibles. We have already given many of them away! To God be the glory! 

We also had a friend of mine who is an evangelist here in Mexico come and help us for a weekend. We had bible clubs and had 79 people come out to hear the Gospel! On Sunday, our church was packed with visitors, and we even have been able to start a bible study with a family that came! Please pray for Laura and Hugo that they will get saved and continue to grow! 

We were also able to make another trip to Guadalajara and officially get a mission started there. We will continue (Lord willing) to make a visit once a month as well as Livestream preaching for them once a week. Please pray the Lord would send a national to our church in Zacatecas so we can hand it over and plant more churches here on the mission field! 

Thank you all again for all your faithful prayers and support! Please know that you all are in our prayers as well! God bless! 
