Dear praying friends, 

We serve a living God, do we not? I want to say thank you all for your prayers for our move here to Guadalajara. We have hit the ground running from the very first Sunday we moved here! God has blessed us already! We have been able to start holding regular services on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening! With an average of 20-30 people in every service! 

I don't fully understand how God is doing all this but friends, let me guarantee you that he is working! I have been able to make several visits already to folks who have visited the church, we have seen souls saved and people we didn't think would even step foot in a "Christian church" become some who have been the most faithful! 

We have already begun to look for property to start building a building so we can have a place of our own! There is a place we have found that would be perfect for us at the front of the community. It is a nice piece of land that we could use to grow for several years. The cost of the land and all the paperwork is about $10,000. So please pray with us that God would provide this as soon as he wills so we can begin building a church building! 

Stephanie is doing very well with her pregnancy. We are looking for a good doctor and hospital to have the baby at. So please pray we can find the right place! It's hard to believe that Spurgeon will be in only 3 months! 

Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support! We are praying for you all and that the Gospel will be proclaimed there in America through you! God bless. 

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel, 

The Granger family 
